Vauxhall's Guestbook
March 1998 Entries

These are the entries for the month of March, 1998.

Visited on March 13th, 1998
Favorite Morrissey album: Viva Hate
Favorite Smiths album: The Queen Is Dead
I have loved the Smiths and Moz since I was 12 years old. They were never that popular here in America but then again what most of us Americans call music is crap! Moz forever!

Visited on March 12th, 1998
Favorite Morrissey album: Kill Uncle
Favorite Smiths album: Meat Is Murder
...when I'm lying in awe on the bedroom floor...

THIRY Florence
Visited on March 11th, 1998
Favorite Morrissey album: Vauxhall and I
Favorite Smiths album: The Smiths
I'm in love with Morrissey since I'm 15. I'm today 29. I miss him

Christian Ramirez Mtz.
Visited on March 6th, 1998
Favorite Morrissey album: Your Arsenal
Favorite Smiths album: Louder Than Bombs
Morrissey I think is a very important person in my life. is not lust or twisted feelings or passions is just a friend that is always there with me among the darkness and loneliness of this world full of insensible people. Sometimes I wonder how I would be if I never met Morrisseyy...Morrissey thanks you changed my life for good. you showed how to be loved and how to love, how to break the chains of conformity and how to love my life...I once wrote a song it was called Love and Friendship To My Grave Morrissey

Visited on March 3rd, 1998
Favorite Morrissey album: Bona Drag
Favorite Smiths album: The Queen Is Dead

kevin scoggins
Visited on March 2nd, 1998
Favorite Morrissey album: Vauxhall and I
Favorite Smiths album: The Smiths
i went to the show in tulsa oklahoma nov.4 and i absolutely loved it. Morrissey is the COOLEST. i started listening to him in 91 right after he came to dallas. i love what your doin here so keep it up! this charming man, kevin

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